December 7th & 8th
Show Times: 1:00 PM & 6:00 PM
Nutcracker Tickets on sale NOW!​​
Performed at The Henry J. Mello Center
250 E. Beach Street, Watsonville, CA 95076
2024 auditions are now closed -
Thank you to everyone who auditioned!
Boys & Girls ages 3 and up
Audition Details Below
Interested in Auditioning?
Use our online registration system!
Already a student at SBDA and/or FCD?
Simply login to your parent portal and select your audition times.
NEW Students - Create an account.
(Auditions are FREE!)

2024 Audition
Friday September 6th:
4:00 Boys
5:00 Gymnasts
6:00 Ballet Technique,Acting/Character,
Inexperienced dancers ages 10+ to Adult
(acting, character, minimal ballet portion for those who choose to stay)
7:00 Adults (Party Scene)
Saturday September 7th:
9:00 Ballet Level 1 & inexperienced dancers, ages 3-5
10:00 Ballet Level 2 & inexperienced dancers, ages 5-7
11:00 Ballet Level 3A & inexperienced dancers, ages 7-10
11:30 Ballet 3B
12:30 Ballet 4
1:30 Ballet 5
3:00 Ballet 6a/6b
4:30 Clara Audition (Ballet levels 5+)
6:00 Ballet 7 (Lead Roles)

We Believe in the MAGIC of the season!

2024 Cast Fees
Cast fees are based on estimated rehearsal time required for each part, costume tailoring, and laundering.
We have associated a tier with each part. They are listed below. (Prices are subject to change depending on costuming needs and adjustments in choreography):
Tier 1 = $55
Tier 2 = $60
Tier 3 = $65
Cap of $250 (The maximum in Cast Fees a single dancer will incur for all roles combined)
Example: Sleigh Escorts (1) and Party Scene Girl (2)
Tier 1 = $55
+ Tier 2 = $65
Total Cast Fees = $115
A detailed cast fee list will be available soon!